Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Cynthia Bah-Traore (nee Alvoid) is last seen at approximately 10:35 PM at Shell Gas Station on 1003 Criner Street and Interstate 3W in Grandview, Texas.
Cynthia’s soon to be ex-husband tells Cynthia’s family that she is in a local hospital. All search efforts for Cynthia cease as everyone believes she was found. None of Cynthia’s immediate family lives in Texas.
The final hearing on Cynthia’s divorce was supposed to occur. Cynthia is presumed “to be in the hospital” so the hearing is continued.
After calling local hospitals for days, a nurse takes pity on the family and shares the truth. The family finally learns that Cynthia was never in the hospital. She.was.never.there. She has been missing the entire time.
Cynthia’s family and friends call the police station multiple times daily to inquire about her case.
From February 11-20, 2021, a historical winter event occurred that set many records. A deep freeze engulfed the entire state of Texas in ice and snow. Many lost power for a week or more.
On February 16, 2021, Highway Patrol find Cynthia’s car in McClennan County at 2:35 AM. It was parked on the highway near mile marker 355. The battery is dead and the keys are inside. This would have been during the historic Texas snowstorm that made national news.
Her car was found in the middle of the night with the keys inside. Cynthia has poor night vision.
Although the police knew the car was found on February 16th they didn’t immediately notify Cynthia’s family. Police didn't view the vehicle until SEVERAL DAYS LATER.
The family didn’t find out until February 25, 2021, that Cynthia's car was found. Cynthia’s cousin found the posting online and the family confirmed with police. As family and friends were calling frequently it’s concerning that this information was not shared immediately.
Police tell Cynthia’s family that they need to, “Put your head around it. Cynthia is not coming home any time soon.” Police also stated that “Cynthia walked away from her car and went to start a new life.” Supporters were puzzled by this statement as this would mean that Cynthia parked her car and walked into a blizzard. Cynthia also loves her two sons and enjoys her job as a teacher for Texas schools.
Family and friends ask the Crowley Police Department to conduct a DNA test on Cynthia’s car. Police stated they dusted for finger prints but refused to obtain DNA from the car.
In May 2024, a FBI agent was assigned to Cynthia’s case. The FBI agent went to Crowley Police and received a 75 page police report. As of Fall 2024 the FBI agent has never called any of Cynthia’s family members or friends.
Despite having an FBI agent, the Cynthia’s supports are still very concerned about the lack of investigation. The Find Cynthia Coalition proactively called the FBI agent and shared concerns about the investigation and offered additional information to review.